Art Therapy
"Art psychotherapy is a gentle and engaging form of psychotherapy ideally suited for when words are too much or not accessible through trauma, developmentally or through neurodivergance providing clients with opportunity to gain insight into relationships, behaviours, thoughts and emotions informing the direction of the therapy.
Romny focuses on strength-based neurodivergant-affirming person-centred solutions which allow clients to express themselves creatively in their best possible way with a focus on their psychosocial, emotional and cognitive wellbeing.
Meet our Art Therapist
Romny Vandoros
Romny is a trauma-informed, neurodiversity-affirming Art Psychotherapist passionate about the power of creativity and human connection to address challenges across the lifespan.
While in general practice, her focus has also included neurodegenerative, physical and cognitive conditions and autism. She is an approved Clinical Supervisor offering supportive and reflective supervisory services.
Highly experienced with running groups, Romny has a passion for engaging those in aged care, disability, corporate team building, wellness and psychoeducational.
After 12 years in Sydney, Romny is focused on building a practice in the Milton-Ulladulla area offering 1:1, groups, online or mobile art therapy and clinical Supervision services