Here you’ll find our privacy, and complaints and grievances policies, both of which can be viewed and downloaded.

Complaints and Grievances

Harbour Therapy is committed to the rights of all participants, clients, team members, and organisations we work with, to provide feedback about any aspect of our operations or administration, and for any feedback in the form of a complaint to be handled with fairness.

Harbour Therapy encourages an organisational culture of actively seeking customer feedback to strengthen public confidence, better inform planning and continually improve programs and services.

This policy informs:

  • How feedback and complaints are managed

  • Responsibilities of Everyday Independence’s management, team members and contractors

  • How responses and reports are handled.

Your right to privacy.

At Harbour Therapy, we’re committed to protecting your privacy and providing a secure therapy and online experience.

This privacy policy informs:

  • What information we can collect, and how we collect it

  • How we store and protect personal and health information

  • How you can find out what information we hold and correct it if it’s wrong

  • How we can use and disclose information

  • How you can complain if you think there’s been a privacy breach

  • How to obtain valid consent.

We understand things happen and sometimes you just can’t make it.

Understanding charges and cancellations.

When you are unable to attend appointments at short notice cancellation fees and charges may apply. Explore our cancellations policies below to find out which apply to you.